Klaus Schulze - The Official Website

Last modified on 02-Mar-2025

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A new release with music by Klaus Schulze
A new CD and DVD release is announced for April 2025: The concert on 25th of November 1981, in Hamburg, Audimax.

Cover Klaus Schulze CD Bon Voyage
A new CD with music by Klaus Schulze
A new full CD with Klaus Schulze music was released in mid November 2024:

Cover Klaus Schulze CD 101, Milky Way

It's the music that KS recorded in autumn 2009 for the use in the German movie Hacker.
Klaus Schulze - Dreams Into Action
Rachmaninoff once said, "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music." With this in mind it seemed only right and proper to put together a fitting piece after a short respectful pause for contemplation following the passing of "our" dear musical friend, Mr. Klaus Schulze.

(Eine deutsche Übersetzung findet man hier.)
Questions about Klaus Schulze?
If you want to know something about Klaus Schulze and his music, the chance is high that the answer is given somewhere in this website. The FAQ is a good place to start with, there are many common questions answered there.

Of course, you can write kdm an e-mail and ask questions or make comments.

  All rights reserved. © 2025 by Klaus D. Mueller, Berlin (if not indicated otherwise). The information in this website is for private use only, for the aficionados (vulgo: fans) of Klaus Schulze's music. I have no objections if interested journalists use parts of it too; I only ask them to send me a copy of their article after it's printed. Muchas gracias! Any other use, especially if the name of a copyright owner is indicated under the photo(s) or the article(s) needs the written permission from Klaus D. Mueller.

This is the right place to say THANK YOU to Lennart Koschella. Without his knowledge and patience this would have not been possible.

