An American magazine printed in the summer of '94: »He's the Godfather of electronic
keyboard music, the synthesizer Messiah incarnate, and along with BRIAN ENO one of the most powerful influences, either directly or indirectly, on the world's
greatest contemporary musicians. For over 20 years Klaus Schulze has been out
in front of the pack and has never looked back...« ...and-so-on. Nice, isn't it?
Funny is, that it is true. I can say so, because I was a close observer since 1970. |
The French TV programme Capital had a report on 9 April '95 about Richard
Branson and his former Virgin empire. It was said that Virgin's success was
primarily because of Klaus Schulze and TANGERINE DREAM... (! which is a bit of an
exaggeration) |
A detailed eight (!) pages interview with Klaus appeared in the August '94 edition of the
American Keyboard magazine. And in their February '95 issue they praise
Totentag in a long review: "It doesn't take long to realize that Totentag is a
masterwork", and: »With this heraldic work Schulze claims a distinguished place
in the ranks of electronic artistry« Totentag got also a honorable mention as one
of the best recordings of the last 20 years, in Keyboard's 20th anniversary poll. |
The summer '94 edition of the American magazin i/e had a great three page
interview with Klaus, with, sadly, one small error: It was Schulze who at first
didn't trust Silver Edition's success, but not me (Woe is me! -kdm). Klaus immediately
put it right, after I showed him this interview, which was initially done via
telephone, and certainly needed plenty of editing. A small wonder that just this
one error occured. Thanks, Darren Bergstein... |
In spring '95, i/e wrote about Totentag: »It isn't anywhere near as dire as one
would think - Schulze in avant-guise«. And about Das Wagner Desaster: »...this
double CD is every bit as fascinating and bizarre as the Royal Festival Hall series
... an absurdist new chamber music ... it's some of Schulze's most provocative
music of the last few years...«. And, even though Darren didn't like Trancelation as
much, he closes with: »Thematically, Trancelation indicates a different path for
Schulze, one which he might pursue with the same progressive mindset and
intuitive zeal as that which has brought him his current status« |
The Spanish Voice magazine had a three page article and interview in their April
95 issue: »Klaus Schulze, objeto de culto y también de feroces críticas, figura
mítica en la vanguardia musical...« |
The glossy French Rock & Folk magazine had a kind of "100
Greatest Albums of all Time" in its November '94 issue. Among those was, of course,
Klaus Schulze's twenty year old Timewind. |
British Audion magazine in May '95: »Historic
Edition is nothing less than phenomenal!«. Their next issue
had a full page special review of Historic Edition,
that closes with: »... Every track a classic. ... a great historic tome ... all proving
Klaus Schulze to be one of the most radically innovative and influential composer
of the last three decades.« |
The English music magazine Wire of October '94 asked RYUICHI SAKAMOTO about TANGERINE
DREAM: »Were you a fan?«. Sakamoto answered: »Yes, I listened to Tangerine Dream, but my
favourite was Klaus Schulze: better music!« |
Beyond the Horizon, the very good American TANGERINE DREAM fanzine, wrote a long positive
review about Schulze's Das Wagner Desaster, closing with: »After twenty-five years and
countless imitators, Schulze manages to stand far above the rest« |
A certain RITCHIE HAWTIN, better known to Techno fans as PLASTIKMAN, answered in the British
New Musical Express (May '94) to the question: What do you listen to at home?: »Klaus
Schultz« (sic!). [When Klaus was invited as V.I.P. to watch the sensational "Love Parade" in
Berlin at the beginning of July '95, he also visited some Techno/Ambient concerts. He was
truly impressed by a performance of the aforementioned RITCHIE HAWTIN, whom he never
had heard before]. |
Again the New Musical Express, in a long review about ORBITAL, in August '94: »There is a
direct line connecting ORBITAL to ... the 70s Euro electronic set like KRAFTWERK and KLAUS
In November '94, Klaus said in an interview for the American Option magazine, and also in an
interview for a radio programme in Santiago de Chile: »I don't do "Electronic Music" anymore.
I just do music, also with electronic instruments« |
In addition to being named "Pope of Electronic", "Le Père Spirituel de la Musique
Electronique" and "Father of Ambient" KS was called "Klaus Schulze, padre de la
trance music" in the Spanish magazine nueva musica in December '94. |
The German Techno music magazine Ten Dance praised Historic Edition in a one pager. The
columnist reported that it was played successfully at a Frankfurt Techno party (!). |
The German Techno music magazine Frontpage printed a long four page interview with Klaus
for their »Love Parade« issue in July '95 (circulation: 150,000 copies!)
that they considered Klaus to be the "Urvater des Techno"
("Forefather of Techno"). |
New Age Voice, USA, August 1995. Under the heading: »Selected Space/Trance/Ambient
Favorites« I found the text: »Within this genre, I would list four: KLAUS SCHULZE "X" (1978),
TANGERINE DREAM Zeit (1972), ASHRA New Age of Earth (1977), and STEVE HILLAGE Rainbow
Dome Music (1979). Schulze is a giant in the field; his maturity is virtually coincident with
that of the genre. One can argue that virtually all his releases are landmark releases. Early
TANGERINE DREAM is similar important. The ASHRA and HILLAGE are personal favorites among
many one could list.« |
The same issue also contained a list of statements from American journalists who tried to define the
word "Ambient". Among them are: »... it was most influenced by the progressive, electronic
and spacemusic artists of the mid-seventries such as KLAUS SCHULZE and TANGERINE DREAM«,
and: »Most now agree that the progenitor of ambient music was ENO, TANGERINE DREAM and
In spring '96, many German "Techno" magazines printed articles and interviews with KS, first
because of his "Grandfather of Techno" image, and second, because of his highly praised new
WAHNFRIED CD release. |
Germany's Radio Brandenburg programme "Zwischen Himmel und Erde"
asked their listeners to vote for their most loved artists and albums
at the end of the year. In January 1996, the results for the past year were:
Number 3: Klaus Schulze Historic Edition, and Number 6: Klaus Schulze In Blue
(Number 1 was VANGELIS, and Number 2: MIKE OLDFIELD). |
At the beginning of 1996 there were larger KS articles and interviews with Klaus in some
Japanese music magazines, such as: Sound and Recording, Marquee and Arch Angel. |
The February issue of British Sound on Sound magazine contained the English version (seven
pages!) of the interview and article about Klaus that had already been printed in a Japanese
music magazine. The same was also printed in the Dutch magazine Midi and Recording in
April '96, and, vanzelfsprekend, in the Dutch language. |
In Spain, two books were published in early 1996, and both feature Klaus Schulze in
length. One book is called "La Sinfonía des Cosmos" in the book series "Nueva Biblioteca de
los Temas Ocultos". The other book is: "New Age" in the series "rock pop" of the Spanish
publisher Cátedra. Both were written by Jorge Munnshe. |
Also in early '96, the Spanish music magazine Margen printed a 2½ pages interview with KS,
"Larga vida al Rey". |
The Italian magazine Deep Listenings will print in their coming issues the long story about my
(= kdm's) collaboration with KS, as already printed
in English in our newsletter.
They'll give it the title of a famous Wim Wenders movie. The
Italian title is »Il cielo sopra berlino«. In the same magazine I found the "Playlist for 1995" of Deep
Listening's contributor Gabriele Quirici. Klaus' Historic Edition 10-CD-set was listed at number 2,
and In Blue at number 10 in this annual listing. |
On one full page in their 10th anniversary issue (July '96), the English AUDION magazine
reviewed Klaus Schulze's concert in Derby, England. |
A little Polish music magazine is doing a monthly Top 20 list. In May '96, albums by KS were
listed at position 1, 2, and 8. In June KS occupied six positions in
their Top 20 list: No. 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, and 12.
In their next issue five KS CDs were listed at positions 2, 7, 8, 10, and 17. |
Even the Swiss 'Migros' consumer magazine for the housewife (of 8th of Mai 1996) reported
in a full page article about the most recent musical trend, 'techno/ambient' and recommends ten
'CDs for Beginners', whereof the first three are from our old heroes: Timewind by KLAUS
SCHULZE, Force Majeure by TANGERINE DREAM, and Music for Airports by BRIAN ENO. |
The July '96 edition of the glossy German music & technical magazine KEYS contained a long
interview with Klaus Schulze and a detailed article about his studio. In September 1996,
German KEYBOARDS followed with the first part of an interview and a long story about
Klaus Schulze. |
December 1995. Even the Russian magazine Stereo & Video reported enthusiastic about our Historic Edition set: "This is the most sensational release and chef-d'oeuvre in the serious music genre..." |
May 1998. In exactly 1000 words the British Audio Media magazine wrote
about our "synth guru's" studio and his latest albums. Twentytwo of those
words are: "Cited as a 'Techno Godfather' throughout the '90s... He's a rarity; a true synthesist, remaining resolutely untained by the pop music
The same (or even longer) article will also be printed in the Japanese Sound & Recording Magazine in January 1999. |
November 1998. The glossy English music magazine The Mix included a four page KS feature based on an interview with Klaus. |
During 1997/98 nearly every issue of the Polish glossy mag Estrada i Studio reported about KS' recent doings. |
Summer 1998. Numero 11 of the Italian magazine Deep Listenings elected
Klaus' Dosburg Online among "I dischi migliori dell'anno" (The Best Albums of the Year 1997). In the same list Jubilee Edition was elected "Avvenimento dell'anno" (Event of the Year). |
Additional interviews and articles were, among many others, in: Gaffa
(Germany, June '98), Rockinform (Hungary, July '97 and May '98), Keyboards
(USA, June '97), Interface (USA, March '98), and Matt Howarth drew and
released another comic book that includes KS (USA, January '98) |
The Works (Addendum) includes a list of books that include Klaus Schulze. Meanwhile it's 290 different books from 1971 until 2020 (that I know about) that mention KS in short or detailed. |
The American All Music Guide, The Expert Guide writes about KS:
"One of the cornerstone figures in the German electronic scene [...]
His music is ímmensely powerful. [...] Many Americans have no idea
how strong his influence has been on electronic music worldwide." |
"Er hat die Musik der Gegenwart geprägt wie wenig Andere. Seine
Arbeiten wurden preisgekrönt und sind heute noch Vorbild für zahllose
Newcomer und Nachahmer. Kaum jemand hat die ästhetischen Perspektiven elektronischer Musik ähnlich konsequent ausgelotet wie Klaus Schulze und hat dafür ähnlich viel Anerkennung erfahren." (aus: "Sound & Vision" 4/1999) |