If you don't want to buy just any album at random, but still want to hear
a nice cross section of all styles of music Klaus Schulze has produced, you
might be tempted to buy:
The Essential 72-93
This 2-CD sampler is very nicely put together to maximize your listening
pleasure, and at the same time give you a good hint as to which albums you
might want to buy next.
Other than this, the following albums might be
recommended listening. I have listed them in order of date of release.
Picture Music
Astonishingly mature example of early Schulze produced with a minimum of
A classic release. Undoubtedly one of his most influential albums. A nice
place to start your collection.
Music of the spheres. A powerful album produced on only analogue
instruments. Has received much praise by almost all fans.
Body Love
Soundtrack to a porn film. Excellent music to listen to when you're in a
contemplative mood.
An album almost painful in its clarity and transparency. It contains
exquisite sequencer patterns that are fascinating to listen to with
a pair of headphones.
"X" (2-CD)
A symphonic work which will appeal to people that like the sound of the
string section.
Dig It
An introduction to Klaus Schulze in the digital age. This album has a
wonderful driving beat.
Audentity (2-CD)
Klaus Schulze at his enigmatic best. Contains a challenging array of
astonishing music very different from almost anything else you might have
heard before.
In Blue (2-CD)
Very warm, soulful electronic music. Great depth of emotion, and close
interplay between KS and Manuel Goettsching.
Are You Sequenced?
High-energy, hard-driving music of the nineties.
(What more do you need than a good bottle of wine, a lovely KS album, and a
good sound system to play it on? Nothing at all!)