Wahnfried: Trance Appeal
Reviews |
»Wahnsinnig gut. Sensationell gut.« (Olaf Z., radio, Germany) |
»Many thanks for the new WAHNFRIED. This CD is really a great moment of music. Not only
because it is played by Klaus but because this music is like 11 pictures from the brain. At the first
listening I said 'No surprise', but I listened to it again and again to find new things. After all, all
is new. ... The real, great and exciting moment is with the three tracks 8, 9, and 10. Esprit sans
Frontières is the summary of this CD...« (Terry C., radio, France) |
»Klaus once again ventures musically into the realm of techno-trance music, this time with better
results. The music is more substantial and the mechanical beat less boring, so it sounds better
with each listen.« ("Eurock", USA) |
»Thank you for the new WAHNFRIED. It's really very good. I just wrote a review for the August
issue of "Enter". Here is a translation of it:
If I didn't know what I got I'd never recognize Klaus Schulze. Well, there are some of his
typical elements... For the first time I listened to Trance Appeal on the evening of May 19th. At
that moment, an unusual show was going on in the sky of east Warsaw. For almost half an hour
some lightnings were dancing in the clouds. That uncommon - made by nature - light show
combined with the incredible music from Trance Appeal catched me totally.«(Artur L. journalist, Poland) |
»Die Monats-CD-Empfehlung: Trance Appeal von WAHNFRIED.« (Olaf Z., radio programme "Zwischen Himmel und Erde", Germany) |
»An absolutely great CD. The perfect combination of Space, Trance, Avantgarde, Dance and
Classical. This has something for everyone. This is at the cutting edge of innovative electronic
music. One of my favourite releases of '96.« (Dominic C., radio, Australia) |
»...perfekt produziert und arrangiert ... einen neuen, eigenen Wahnfried-Sound ... Schulze &
Schaaf generieren 'Presets', und alle Welt (besonders FSOL) zollt ihnen Tribut.« ("mushroom", Germany) |
»...En als je de vijfde track opzet, dan kun je niet anders dan het volume opdraaien... da zwiept je
been omhoog, of je dat wilt of niet. ...de boodschap is duidelijk: Trance Appeal is een juweeltje!...« ("KLEM", Netherlands) |
»... All in all, Trance Appeal is extremely satisfying, and the best WAHNFRIED release to date. It's
one of those rareties where nothing is out of place, and everything perfectly complements
everything else. It's highly recommended...« ("Beyond the Horizon", USA) |
»... Trance Appeal rolls like a wandering boulder through the airy spaces of ambient techno.
Sometimes there's an aggressive dance beat, but then it will fall away into a chasm where the
background string synth pad meanders like a broad, hazy river. Odd sounds swoop towards you and
then away, moving with stiff fluidity like computer-animated vultures. Just when you start to get
bored, the sonority will change dramatically... Every tune is organized in its own way. ... Richard
Wahnfried and JöRG SCHAAF composed and arranged. Klaus Schulze produced and mixed, which
probably tells you something.« (Jim A., "Keyboard", USA) |
»With an explanatory title, perfect recording, ... and an unknown collaborator (JöRG SCHAAF) there
is a lot in the fire, which is always the case when speaking of Schulze. ... The technical aspects,
the arrangements, and the professionalism of the production are noteworthy. ... This is the first
WAHNFRIED CD that I have managed to tolerate for its entire length, and even to appreciate.
This had never happened before. That doesn't mean that this is a recording for everyone... « (Gianluigi G. "Deep Listenings", Italy) |
»... Schulze is one of the few electronic music trailblazers still creating innovative work, and his
skills, combined with the formidable talents of JöRG SCHAAF, help to make this package a dynamic
and delightful diversion.« ("Asterism", USA) |
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