
In Blue

Klaus Schulze: In Blue

»Thank you so much for sending the new CD, In Blue. After the new Wagner Desaster, I thought it impossible to put out an even better one, but Klaus has done it again, he surpassed himself. I think of all discs one ranks up there with Mirage, and Return of the Tempel at once transports us back to the days this music began and straight back to the present & beyond, this music is timeless!!! A hit on Alien Soundtracks for a long time to come! Thanks for the great music, Klaus!!!«
(P. M., radio programme "Alien Soundtracks", Canada)

»... Des guitares, des hautbois et des trompettes se mellent à une mélopé douce et triste qui reste en filigrane et revient en avant à bon escient, intelligemment, donnant ainsi beaucoup de relief et de pouvoir à ce premier long morceau de 78 minutes. Un grand moment! Sur le deuxième disque on change de décor et on retrouve son ami de toujours: MANUEL GÖTTSCHING. Return of the Tempel est un morceau géant avec une intro sublime, on verrait presque sous nos yeux décoller une base extraterrestre, suivie de notes de guitare irréelles, surnaturelles; un morceau qui ne s'écoute pas comme les autres, mais se déguste comme un bon vin! ...c'est un grand moment de musique...«
(O. B., "Rubycon", F)

»L'auteur de Mirage surprend à chaque nouvel enregistrement... Aprčs les fracassants, Das Wagner Desaster, Silver Edition et Totentag c'est une musique plus méditative, une interrogation sur la créativité... In Blue est un disque portant un trčs fort message émotionel d'un musicien arrivé au sommet de son art, s'interrogeant sur la capacité à créer, à se renouveler; c'est une musique profonde, presque dramatique... Bleu, le symbole d'une élevation spirituelle, visualisation paradisiaque, mais aussi rupture, passage dans un autre monde. ...
Le face à face avec Manuel Göttsching est une retrouvaille où deux amis conversent par instruments interposés, ravivat des souvenirs: ASH RA TEMPEL (Traummaschine). Il y a jubilation à jouer ensemble et de la nostalgie. ... Rien de neuf dans ce double album, juste une atmosphère, une réflexion profonde et sereine. In Blue est un disque aux consonnances mystiques qui synthétise tout le parcours d'une carrière exceptionnelle... In Blue porte un message testamentaire, musique au dehors de l'espace-temps, préfigurant le silence absolu de l'azur.«
(D. R., "Rubycon", F)

»In Blue: Neben der unlängst veröffentlichten Zehn-CD Historic Edition ein absolutes MUSS für alle Klaus-Schulze-Fans. ...«
(O. Z., ORB radio, Germany)

»... While it's not Schulze redefined, there are enough new ingredients - along with a few resurrected ones from the past - to make In Blue an agreeable addition to the synth ace's catalog. Schulze fans tend to be more appreciative of subtle developments and musical nuances anyway, and as with just about any Schulze release, there are plenty of both here.
One of the more interesting facets of In Blue is the guest appearance of Schulze's former ASH RA TEMPEL compatriot MANUEL GÖTTSCHING on Return of the Tempel. Schulze's electronics provide an excellent backdrop for GÖTTSCHING's bluesy guitar improvisations ... Not to be accused of rehashing old works, however, Schulze manages to put a fresh spin on things - albeit in his customary subtle manner. All in all, In Blue is one of Schulze's more noteworthy releases in some time. For Schulze fans it is recommended wholeheartely. For the uninitiated, approach cautiously and carry an open mind.«
(MJD, "Beyond the Horizon", USA)

»... Ce superbe double CD réserve quelques agréables surprises. Si la pochette est une magnifique mosaïque bleutée où se dessine le ciel, la musique n'est pas moins qu'une ode à ce ciel et à l'océan. D'une calme douceur, la musique d'Into the Blue nous berce délicatement au milieu des nappes d'une pure clarté. ... On comprend aisément que ce morceau, où régne l'improvisation, s'intitule Return of the Tempel puisque les riffs et solos de guitares électriques qui apparaissent çà et là sont signés Manuel Göttsching. Les deux compères créateurs d'Ash Ra Tempel se retrouvent avec joie pour ce fabuleux souvenir musical. ... Si ces dernières années, certains disaient que Klaus Schulze n'existait plus musicalement, ceux-ci se raviseront certainement en écoutant In Blue qui donne une fraicheur incomparable à sa musique.«
("KS Mag", France)

»... l'album est tout sauf mauvais, et offrira de bien délicieuses surprises. ...d'apprendre que les vingt premières minutes d'ouverture sont ce que le musicien a fait de mieux depuis, tres longtemps. ... GÖTTSCHING, Monsieur ASH RA TEMPEL, c'est bien entendu l'attraction principale du disque. ... Schulze s'efface au profit des arborescences psychédeliques de la guitare magique de Manuel. C'est un grand moment, un grand moment de plaisir magique. ... C'est un grand mérite d'In Blue, un album à se procurer pour avoir une bonne idée d'un musicien en forme.«
("Oniric", France)

»In Blue is quite a surprise! Is Timewind still the best music of these 20 last years? I think not! With In Blue, the music has its letters of nobility. In Blue is really the hymn to the music, to the E.M.. It's quite a treat to listen to this music full of surprises, but heavens! where do you find your inspiration? On Return of the Tempel we can imagine your pleasure to play with MANUEL GÖTTSCHING ...
The radio man and the old fan (38 years!) that I am, thanks you for this music full of rhythm, joy, pleasure, "fraicheur" and freedom...
To finish about In Blue: Very nice cover.«
(T. C., radio Aria, France)

»...dimostrando che ha una visione della musica come nessun altro, riuscendo ad essere sempre sé stesso in ogni occasione. In Blue scaturisce da una stato d'animoche non conosco ma che sembra provenire da esperienze di crescita interiore e di rinnovamento; il mood dell'introduzione, Into the Blue, è di una tristezza cosmica unica e si muove con nobiltà: lente tastiere evocative e splendide voci campionate immerse in un'atmosfera raccolta e mistica veramente indimenticabile. Quindici minuti di sogno, davvero. ... Return of the Tempel - porta la grande sorpresa del disco.

... MANUEL GÖTTSCHING, sempre in comunicazione con il cosmo e mai così pittorica e commovente. ... Klaus e Manuel dialogavano in altro modo ma già su frequenze irraggiungibili. ... Serenade in Blue, che chiude il disco, è un altro brano evocativo e toccante che conferma la mia ipotesi: Schulze sta costruendo una musica che ha sempre più la struttura di una sinfonia. Se continuerà così potrà darci ancora tanta musica importante. ... io continuerò a sostenerlo: nelle sue mani la musica cambia forma così come nelle mani di un grande illusionista il mondo assume aspetti incredibilí e fantastici.«

(G. G., "Deep Listenings", Italia)

»Klaus is really on a high at the moment (musically speaking!). I really like his latest style. It was also great to hear "lazy bones" Manuel again. My favourite tracks are on CD #2. Really nice...«
(D. C., radio, Australia)

»The wait is over. In Blue is a double disc that returns Klaus to classic form. ...with Into the Blue and Serenade in Blue both featuring extended sections highlighted by Schulze's light rhythms and pulsing bass lines. ...and his sampled acoustic guitar solos have never sounded better.
It is Return of the Tempel that will garner the most attention. It features MANUEL GOETTSCHING on electric guitar, thus bringing together 2/3 of the original ASH RA TEMPEL (Schulze was their drummer). ...ranges from atypically harsh guitar solos to the softer pulsing rhythms the ASH RA TEMPEL was noted for during the mid to late seventies, with ample visits to pure space and even traditional rock in between. These solos all work within the context of Schulze's rapidly whirling percolations...«
(M.C. M., "A.P.", USA)

»Here is Klaus Schulze at his most up-to-date. This is a 2CD studio recording which is so clean, so smooth and so transparent it takes your breath away. ... These discs are crammed to the brim with beautiful music. Arguably the most luscious of the three cuts on the two CDs is cut two on the second disc. It's enough to make you weep, and I know some that do!«
(T. B., for "Dreams Word", USA)

»Just a few short words - In Blue - "Awesome bloody Awesome". This man is the GOD.«
(R. Stockwell, "Cranium Music", New Zealand)

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