
Das Wagner Desaster - Live -

Klaus Schulze: Das Wagner Desaster - Live -

»One of the more interesting aspects of this album is the fact that it contains two different mixes of the same material. But the mixes aren't very radical. Just the opposite in fact: they're extremly subtle. So in a rather bold departure from the norm (which is fairly status quo for Schulze) he releases them both. - kind of an interesting idea when you think about it: two different interpretations of the same piece of music. ... The different mixes seem to affect the overall mood of the pieces more than anything else. The descriptions "Wild Mix" for Disc One, and "Soft Mix" for Disc Two fit very accurately. Overall I'd have to say that Disc Two is the better of the pair, partially because the sampled voices (which get to be a little irksome) aren't quite as obvious as on Disc One. ... I suspect, though, that most fans are going to enjoy both discs to a certain extent, even if they do favor one over the other. ...
After twenty-five years and countless imitators, Schulze manages to stand far above the rest.«
(C. L., "Beyond the Horizon", USA)

»... Ces deux disques rassemblent quasiment la même musique, celle jouée à Paris et l'autre à Rome mais avec deux mixages différents (l'opportunité de ce complément est trés discutable). Chaque disque est composé de trois pièces dont la plus importante est Das Wagner Desaster, subdivisée en trois parties: une intro, un développement et un final; les deux plus grandes pièces sont construites sur le même schèma. L'intro et le final sont les plus fracassantes, les échantillonneurs explosent en feux d'artifices,...«
(D. R., "Rubycon", F)

»... Le concert est impeccable, les soli pleins de fougue et d'énergie, inutile de compter les breaks et autres changements de tableaux, tantôt empreints de rage et tantôt de mélancolie et de rêve. La beauté et le relief du son est saisissante. Le manque "d'humanité" de cet album est pour moi largement compensé par la richesse humaine de l'artiste dont découle sa musique.«
(O. B., "Rubycon", F)

»This double CD is every bit as fascinating and bizarre as the Royal Festival Hall series ... an absurdist new chamber music ... it's some of Schulze's most provocative music in the last few years...«
(D. B., "i/e", USA)

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