Issue 256
12 pages
The free CDs at the end of the year |
The visual musical notations in original "X" LP |
Coltrane zum Dinner in Bologna (in Deutsch) |
Where to get older records? |
Souvenirs & unpublished photos |
Sackgasse (in Deutsch) |
Concert memories (1976) |
Rock books for free |
This & that |
Issue 257
12 pages
Modern Times |
Wie oft hört man Musik? (Deutsch) |
Klaus' extravagant automobile in the late seventies |
Cling to a certain music? |
The detailed instrumentation in April 1990 |
About a 1979 concert (German & English) |
More rare photos |
Issue 258
12 pages
"This month: a men's issue" (...said Julia) |
Visionary Wilhelm Busch |
The technical rider for a KS concert |
Tranferring old albums to the hard disk |
Klaus' first computer system, the G.D.S. |
Règle du jeu | Rules | Spielregeln |
Issue 259
12 pages
Forty Years Ago: Dune |
Dune reissue album review |
Formerly unpublished pics |
Who paid for the aftershow dinners? |
GDS feedback |
Issue 260
12 pages
What to do with the music collection? |
"Dune" encore |
Musik hat keine "Moral" (Deutsch) |
"Next of Kin" soundtrack |
Different covers |
40-45% Rabatt auf Vinyl-LPs (Deutsch) |
About a concert in '69 |
Issue 261
12 pages
Surround Sound - still in vogue? |
Nostalgia (vintage Circle articles) |
A notable letter |
A "graduating class reunion" after 50 years |
More unseen pics |
Issue 262
12 pages
Singing in Klaus' music |
Andere Musik (German) |
Some non-KS CDs for free |
Wordless Music Orchestra |
Re-release of movie "Next of Kin" (1982) on Blu-ray Disc |
"Next of Kin" soundtrack on Australian mono LP |
Wie man Musik hört (German) |
Issue 263
16 pages
Historic: The KS Fraternity |
Copyright exists on pics and covers, too (German) |
Some strange and some lovely thank-you messages |
KS among the "100 prog icons who changed our world" |
Memories of the Editions... |
...especially of their atypical tracks |
45 years freiberuflich (German) |
Issue 264
12 pages
Rock Choucroute (Viva la cucina italiana!) |
Über ein Foto von 1980 (German) |
Questions & inventive answers |
Nothing disappears: there are still 'Quadro' fans |
A few less often seen photos |
Listening to 40- or 45-year-old music |
About inventors and innovators |
Issue 265
12 pages
Polyphony only (!) in music |
Clara Mondshine |
KS for Beginners (invitation to help) |
Group name(s) |
Horst Stern 1975 (KS soundtrack) |
A Young Turk in Poland |
A flyer from 1970 |
Vor 40 Jahren: Konzert-Tournee; Kurzeindrücke (German) |
Issue 266
12 pages
Concert tour 40 years ago, day by day (long English version) |
Two newspaper articles from 40 years ago (German) |
Memories of a trainee 35 years ago at "Inteam Rec." (German) |
"Das Wagner Desaster" & Tintin (German) |
Issue 267
12 pages
Some requests & answers |
Der Große Moog: an everlasting story (German) |
Forlorn hope: Academic questions about music |
Lyrics? (another everlasting request) |
Art is Worth a Living ... |
Die Kunst ist ein Leben wert ... |
Billiges Vinyl (German) |
Your membership for the coming year 2020 |