
Dosburg Online

Klaus Schulze: Dosburg Online

»... What does Klaus think he's playing at? This is a very ill-conceived hotchpotch of styles, feeling like 3 incongruous ideas linked irrationally together. No, I didn't like the opera singer at all, and then there's that rhythmic section that goes on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and on... Honestly, I didn't like it at all. But, "who gives a ..." to quote the lyrics. Hmmm?«
(A. Freemann, of "Audion", GB)

»Many thanks for this fabuleux Dosburg Online. ... Better than Are You Sequenced?. ...all in this music is made to change the life during these 79:30 ...«
(T. Cobb, "Radio Aria", France)

»The music reminded me of Klaus' style circa Royal Festival Hall - which I really like, by the way. Interesting touch having the opera singer use English. I think it's going to be one of those albums one appreciates upon repeated listenings.«
(C. Lawless of "Beyond the Horizon", USA)

»This Dosburg Online is a real nectar, a synthesis of Klaus' musical inspiration and knowledge. ... (Tracks) 3, 4, 5, 6 are Are You Sequenced suite, a trip to technoland, discovering Klaus' ability to manage what he has created without knowing. ... He is playing with sounds like others do play tennis. He really has the touch to thrill the audience! The Art of Sequencing, 18:21 of incredible happiness. ... He does perfectly know the trick to go down on one knees all of us! ... Prima Vera (Primavera) has been cut, am I wrong or not?... Thank you for sending me the CD. I can't stop listen to it. ...«
(O. Begué of "Rubycon" magazine, France)

»Thanks for the latest Schulze disc Dosburg Online! Klaus is like a good bottle of wine: he gets better with age. I really like his new explorations - a nice mix of classic Schulze and current soundscapes. Could be an excellent intro disc to new Schulze devotees as it encompasses some old with the new. Well done, Klaus!«
(D. Cooper, "Ambient Zone", Australia)

»Danke für Dosburg Online. Für mich mit Recht Musik fürs nächste Zeitalter. Von Klassik bis Trance. Alle Register offen. Eine gelungene Mixtur. ...«
(T.v. Veen, radio, Netherlands)

»Dosburg Online dreht nun in meiner CD-Lade gelangweilt seine Runden. Schulze wagt den Schulterschluß mit der Rave-Gemeinde und müht sich nach Leibeskräften tanzbare Sounds seinen Moogie-Babies zu entlocken. So was können die 'jungen Wilden' weitaus besser. Absoluter Absturz: das von dem Tenor R.O. vorgetragene Requiem für's Revier. Da hätte Schulze besser mal ein Requiem für sich selbst geschrieben.«
("Cybermusic" 12/97, D)

» Today I have received your last album Dosburg Online. Many thanks indeed! I will broadcast it full length on the next Monday in my "Back to the Universe" radio show. I believe it is a big fun for my listeners. Thanks. ... Music by Klaus Schulze has the first place in my radio shows ... For Klaus' birthday I made a 6 hours long radio show about the maestro... «
(S. Tutov, radio, Russia)

»I just got a copy of Dosburg Online and the first listening session was really impressive; it goes back to the past in several occasions and I've found in it moments of pure poetry. With the exception of some percussive/trance/techno touches in the middle of the disc it is a wonderful thing! A review will appear in the coming issue of DL...«
(G. Gasparetti of "Deep Listenings", Italy)

»The music recalls so many memories... I'm not a friend of bel canto. I like more for example Arthur Brown instead of Roelof Oestwoud (but) I admit after a few listening sessions I got used to it. More melodic Prima Vera doesn't touch me so strong. Maybe it's because of a mistake in the title - it had to be Italian "spring" but a certain Vera that is "prima" tries to get me. Groove'n'Bass reminds me on Klaus Schulze's drumming in the past. ...it is a simple but trance rhythm that is very close to Techno. ... The cut at the end of the last track is a scandal. Therefore, Dosburg Online is not able to fascinate me, but I admit the old master deserves my respect - not on my knees but taking off my hat.«
(A. Lason, translation from "Estrada i Studio", Poland)

»...Schulze's new Dosburg Online CD is really great.«
(B. Blum, journalist, France)

»House of India ist eins der der schönsten Stücke, die ich seit langem gehört habe; mit seinen leichten und langen Sequenzer-Läufen erinnert es mich ein wenig an The Art of Sequencing...«
(P. Stöferle, TD Fan Magazine, D)

»First we have L'age core... Very pleasant and atmospheric with good use of piano later on. Followed on its heals is Requiem für's Revier. I am probably missing the point entirely but I think this is the worst track Klaus has ever done... With relief I move on to Groove 'n' Bass. Manic wails and demonic voices make way to a restrained rhythm justifying the groove bit of the title. ... The next track Get Sequenced follows straight on... the best track so far. The pace quickens and we are propelled into The Power of the Moog. Things are really starting to kick. ...this is great stuff! ... The Art of Sequencing is the longest track... This is a superb track full of invention... We finish with Prima Vera and oh no that bloody opera singer is back! ... OK so I hated tracks two and nine but the rest of the album is great stuff. Programme these tracks out and you still have almost 60 minutes of superb music.«
(DL, "synth music direct", GB)

»Die Schulze ist sehr gut. ...habe bereits einen Track in meiner Sendung gespielt.«
(G. Klares, radio, Luxembourg)

»The Art of Sequencing is one of the best tracks by Klaus Schulze in the 90s. UUAAHH!!!.«
(R. Dorado, "margen" magazine, Spain)

»Continuing to produce modern electronic music of the finest quality, Schulze delivers 79 minutes this time of snappy tempos and a tasty synthetic balance of drama and hypnotics. [...] This CD's compositions are strong, and heavy with a new groove and sensational sequencing.«
(M. Howarth, comic designer, USA)

»[...] a massive catalog that boasts two ten-disc sets, a twenty-five disc set and well over fifty albums.It's an enormous body of music... More remarkable still, is that his gift for prolificness is only slightly outshone by his ability to continue to produce high quality and often breathtaking work. [...] don't think Dosburg Online is one of Schulze's more contemplative records; the four minutes of Get Sequenced kicks cyclic derriere, hardly surprising since Schulze's mastering of the sequencer is already an institution. And for those who want to hark back to the glory days of Moondawn and Dune, the eighteen minute Art of Sequencing shows exactly how Schulze struts his stuff. Still a captivator after all these years.«
("i/e", USA)

»L'inizio travolge per la sua compassata poesia, per il suo pessimismo cosmico, per la drammatica e raccolta pacatezza delle melodie; [...] Roelof canta arie divine, Klaus lo sostiene con atmosfere di un lirismo commovente. [...] Per i sognatori, un acquisto obbligato.«
(G. Gasparette, "Deep Listenings", Italy)

»Klaus Schulze 78. szólóalbumának egy lefordíthatatlan szójáték a címe. [...] Címe: The Art of Sequencing. Schulze talán versenyre kelt Bach "fúgamüvészetétel". Szekvenciáit hét-nyolc szólamban lépteti be lenyügözö zenei struktúrát építve fel. Ez mindig erössége volt, és most is csak csodálni lehet kimeríthetetlen fantáziáját. ... Összességében változatos, kifinomult és emlékezetes es a CD, de nem lesz klasszikus Schulze-album.«
(G. Pap, "Rockinform", Hungary)

(In Japanese, will be opened in a new window)
("Euro Rock Press", November 1998, Japan)

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